#TNGBPeople: Dr. Laura Tennant


Dr. Laura Tennant talks about how LifeStart principles can help farmers and how she enjoys giving practical on-farm advice.


Who are you? 

Dr Laura Tennant

Young Animal Feeds(YAF) Technical advisor at Trouw Nutrition GB.

I have worked for Trouw Nutrition for just over 3 years now and have loved every minute...mostly 😉. Making a difference on-farm is what gets me out of bed in the morning.

Prior to working for TNGB I was Head of Youngstock at the University of Nottingham Dairy Centre.

What does your day-to-day job entail?

 My job is translating our LifeStart science to on-farm practical applications. LifeStart principals can revolutionise people's way of farming and the results they get.

My day to day actitivies consist of technically helping our customers get the best out of our YAF products and on-farm assessments, in order to help our customers' customers (the farmers) get the most from our products.

I love promoting Energized Calf Milk, the pioneer of cow whole milk alternatives for feeding calves which has comparable digestibility to cows' milk.

More recently we have introduced Energized Lamb Milk as a similar pioneer of ewes milk alternative for feeding cade lambs; farmers this year reported lambs look as good as they would with the ewe and have seen a reduction in scour compared to other milk powder formulations.

LifeStart Milk powder formulations get the farmers improved results and most importantly the youngstock love drinking them! 

What's been the biggest LifeStart innovation since you've been here?

I can’t talk about LifeStart without talking about the revolution that is OsmoFit, the calf rehydration product.

When I was rearing dairy calves at Nottingham, OsmoFit became a tool that changed the way I reared calves, changed the way i taught other people to rear calves and now, how i advise farmers to rear calves. GAME CHANGER!

We are now seeing lambs and calves recovering from scour faster due to OsmoFit replacing the fluids lost. It creates a happy abomasum and  farmers report calves bouncing back faster using OsmoFit. LifeStart science not only helped to formulate a product that works, we also created on-farm protocols with OsmoFit to ensure farmers get the best out of their calves.

What do you do in your spare time?

Look at calves, read about calves and take pictures of calves. But i also like to drink rose and ride horses, though not necessarily in that order!