Dr Leonel Leal - Team Lead - Calf and Heifer Research - Trouw Nutrition Research & Development
Leonel Neto Leal was born on April 18, 1986 and grew up in Paços de Ferreira, Portugal. He obtained his high school diploma from Escola Secundária D. Dinis of Santo Tirso in 2005, after which he started his BSc in Zootechnical Engineering at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal.
After his graduation in 2008, he started his MSc in Zootechnical Engineering at the same University. His major specialization was animal production and nutrition, and for his major thesis, he investigated the effect of high planes of milk replacer feeding on growth performance and general health status of rearing calves at the Ruminant Research Centre of Nutreco in Boxmeer, the Netherlands.
In January 2011, after obtaining his MSc, Leonel joined Nutreco as a ruminant researcher. In 2019, he obtained his PhD in Animal Nutrition at Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen, the Netherlands), focusing on improving meat colour and oxidative stability of lamb meat by dietary antioxidant supplementation.
Apart from his PhD appointment, for the past 8 years, Leonel has been focusing as well on functional nutrition of calves, where he has been leading the LifeStart science platform within Nutreco R&D. His curriculum vitae include scientific and technical publications, co-supervisions of master and PhD students, participations in scientific and professional international conferences.