Farm-O-San Reviva

Product Code 11063005

Pack Size: 20kg bucket

Farm-O-San Reviva is an easily digestible, highly palatable energy drink for freshly calved cows, containing dextrose as one of the energy sources.

Directly before and during calving, cows do not eat and drink, but they do lose water and electrolytes, and their blood calcium level goes down. This may turn the animal listless, resulting in a reduction in dry matter intake.
At the start of lactation most cows are in negative energy balance. They try to compensate for this by mobilizing their body fat. This results in a change in their metabolism, which may result in ketosis. It is therefore important for the animal to increase its dry matter intake as soon as possible.

Product application

Mix at the rate of 50 g per litre of water. Mix 1 kg of Farm-O-San Reviva powder with 10 litres of hot water (40-45°C). The solution will turn orange. Once dissolved, add 10 litres of cold water to achieve a drinking temperature around 25-30°C.
Provide 20 litres of the lukewarm Farm-O-San Reviva solution to the cow once within 30 minutes after calving and before it is given free access to water. A further drink of Reviva may be offered after 24 hours if the cow is still weak or appetite is poor.
Due to its higher content of vitamin D3 compared to complete feeds, Farm-O-San Reviva cannot be fed at more than 1.5 kg per cow per day.

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  • It quickly rehydrates and replenishes mineral loss in the cow and helps to increase blood calcium levels. Farm-O-San Reviva also contains added vitamins.
  • Given immediately after calving, it helps the cow to rehydrate rapidly after calving.
  • Farm-O-San Reviva increases the cow’s activity and forage intake.


Farm-O-San | Reviva

Experiences with Reviva - Andrew Biggs

Experiences with Reviva - James Frankpitt

How to mix Reviva

How to prepare Reviva

Farm-O-San Brochure (Reviva, Pulmosure, Pro-Keto)
Reviva trials and testimonials

Find a stockist near you

Reviva is available in independent merchants and Vet and Agri-stores across the UK. To find a stockist near you please fill in the form below and we will contact you with further details.