Fysal® Fit-4

Product Code: 10058855     Pack Size: 25kg

Product Code: 10058845     Pack Size: 1000kg

Fysal Fit-4 is a core product within the Salmonella Control programme, an integrated and customized solution that aims to control the transmission of foodborne pathogens in the feed-to-food production chain.

Fysal Fit-4 is a synergistic mix of functional ingredients that helps tackle Salmonella both on a local and systemic level. It is a perfect tool to support compliance with local and international food safety standards, essential to staying in the market and maximizing profitability.

Product application

Fysal Fit-4 should be applied in poultry feed at a recommended inclusion level of 1-3 kg/t. For the optimum inclusion level and integration into a customer-specific-Salmonella control programme, please contact your Trouw Nutrition representative.

Fysal Fit-4-01.png


  • Reduces Salmonella shedding from infected birds
  • Helps reduce the risk of Salmonella transmission from bird to bird


  • Powder form
  • To be used for poultry

Interesting resources

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Our Feed Additives team includes:

Lee Thompson - Swine Account Manager

Richard Remmer - Swine Technical Manager

Stephen Kelly - Swine Sales Manager

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