
Betain HCL Product Code: 10000435     Pack Size: 25kg

Betain 96 Anh Product Code: 10062755     Pack Size: 25kg

Nutritional balance by osmoregulation
High-performing animals have high nutritional demands to maintain healthy and optimal growth. Selko Feed Additives offers TNIbetain to support animal performance via several metabolic processes. TNIBetain has been tested extensively and complies with high-quality standards of a Selko Feed Additives


  • Improves intestinal health
  • Improves production efficiency


  • Species specific formulas
  • Different application forms
TNIBetain has two important functions in animal nutrition as an osmolyte and as a methyl donor via transmethylation. Therefore, Betain can support in improving and achieving a more consistent bird performance through enhanced osmoprotection particularly during periods of health challenges and heat stress. Besides, Betain can help reduce feed costs through sparing of supplemental dietary methionine and choline while maintaining bird performance.
TNIBetain has a dipolar structure and charges neutrality which allows it to readily form hydrogen bonds with water. Getting easily absorbed, TNIbetain can effectively increase the osmotic concentration within cells leading to the maintenance of enzymes and protein structures within cells and remaining unaffected during osmotic challenges. TNIBetain reduces energy expenditure for maintaining cell metabolism by creating a more efficient water balance in cells. This means that more energy can be used for extra growth.

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Our Feed Additives team includes:

Lee Thompson - Swine Account Manager

Richard Remmer - Swine Technical Manager

Stephen Kelly - Swine Sales Manager

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