Uniqueness of ChickCare 0-4 days
ChickCare 0-4 days is specially designed to deliver key nutrients that chicks need in the first four days of life. These include functional proteins, amino acids, calcium and phosphorus, which are delivered in the right quantities and at the right moment. ChickCare 0-4 days has shown that it can have a unique and positive effect on weight yield and on the health of a chick. As such, ChickCare 0-4 days will drive chick productivity and help farmers boost their bottom line.
More specifically, it increases the digestibility of raw materials and the availability of nutrients. It does this in the right amounts and from the right type, thereby effectively reducing waste. As such, the new ChickCare 0-4 days solution lays the foundation for healthy chicks and competitive broiler chicken businesses.
Delay in feeding of newly hatched chicks
Around the world, current commercial broiler chicken operations often delay the feeding of newly hatched chicks. This common practice can have a significant negative effect on the chicks. Chicks desperately need key nutrients to fuel their physiological development from the first moment of life. Because of the absence of feed and water in the early hours of their life, the first feed needs to compensate accordingly. ChickCare 0-4 days focuses on the first four days of the physiological life of the chick.
Product details