Newborn lambs are born with limited energy reserves
Early provision of adequate energy in a highly digestible form is essential to support early life survivability, body temperature maintenance, immune system support, daily live weight gains and optimal development for flock replacements. Adverse weather conditions during the lambing period can further exacerbate body heat loss increasing these requirements even further.
Protein digestibility in milk replacers is well known. Carefully selected sources ensure optimal digestibility of the protein which supports lamb performance. Osmolality measures the concentration of solute particles in a solution and is calculated by adding the concentrations of sugars and minerals in mOsm/kg of solvent. Lamb milk replacers with elevated levels of osmolality can damage gut integrity, increase the risk of abomasal bloat and potentially exacerbate diarrhoea severity in sick lambs.
Choosing a product that has been carefully formulated with osmolality in mind will help to reduce the risk of diarrhoea.
Careful mineral and vitamin supplementation in young lambs is essential to support development, health and performance. Carefully selected sources help to optimise bioavailability whilst supporting gastro intestinal environment.
Energized Lamb Milk (ELM) has been designed with all of this in mind.