Webinar 18 March 2025, 15.00 CET

Innovative cutting-edge technologies to care for piglets: Where each piglet is supported at their most Vital Start in life

From feed millers to farmers and retailers: the complete industry is engaged to produce meat with less chemical (ZnO, AB), moving from curative to preventive nutrition and health. Together with Pig Progress, Trouw Nutrition organizes an exclusive webinar on the 18th of March, 15.00 CET for the industry, presenting innovative cutting-edge technologies to care for piglets.
The best part? You can join us for free!

The benchmark and pioneer in piglet nutrition

Trouw Nutrition, as a benchmark and pioneer in piglet nutrition is the architect of efficient and sustainable solutions for piglets. A healthier start in piglets’ lives allows for more vital animals and higher welfare, as well as for a more sustainable production, with reduced reliance on antimicrobials and improved animal health and farm profitability.

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Webinar program and speakers

Presentation 1:

Cutting-edge diet formulation for piglets; 
The importance of kinetics of protein digestion and dietary fiber fermentation
Neil Jaworski, Head of Nutrition, Formulation and Animal Modeling, Trouw Nutrition

In stressful situations the rate of digestion slow-down, and overall digestibility may drop. This could result in poorly digestible starch and protein, resulting in diarrhea, performance losses, and mortality. ​ Through our extensive research and validation process, Kinetio technology has proven to be a way to improve the nutrition, performance and the cost of feeding of nursery piglets.


About Neil

Neil Jaworski is a PhD swine nutritionist from the University of Illinois and has worked for Trouw Nutrition for the past 9 years. He is originally from USA and is based in the Netherlands. He leads the global nutrition, formulation, and animal modelling team that work with several stakeholders to implement innovative uses for feed ingredients to improve animal production and health through Trouw Nutrition's state of the art nutritional database and animal models. He enjoys putting science into practice and sharing that knowledge with others to help farmers improve animal performance and health. He works to meet current and future challenges associated with keeping livestock production sustainable with the end goal of reducing world hunger.

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Presentation 2:

Innovative ParticleCheck Technology for
Enhanced Stomach and Intestinal Functionality
Wim Lannoy, Swine nutritionist, Trouw Nutrition Belgium

When working on piglet care and health, addressing gut functionality is in most of the case considered as one of the first priorities. Trouw Nutrition, within the Milkiwean Vital Start Program, highlights for the very first time how stomach health can be key to drive piglets’ safe performances. 


About Wim

Wim Lannoy is a Belgian swine nutritionist at Trouw Nutrition, responsible for supporting the regions of Benelux, Scandinavia, and France. With over 24 years of experience in swine nutrition and a base at the company’s dedicated piglet plant in Ghent, Belgium, he brings extensive expertise to the field. Holding a degree in Agricultural Engineering from Ghent University, Wim combines a strong academic foundation with a practical focus on innovative and sustainable solutions in piglet nutrition.

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Presentation 3:

NEW: The Milkiwean Vital Start Program. 
The precision strategy for piglet nutrition and health.
Tijl Vanmeenen, Technical Sales Manager Young Animal Feed Swine in Europe & Central Asia (ECA) region  

Milkiwean Vital Start Program delivers innovative tailored solutions and services designed to guarantee the best vital start in life and to sustainably enhance piglet health and growth. With the diversity of production methods and environments that piglets are confronted with, it’s a real platform of expertise around piglet nutrition and health that we make available to our customers, feed millers and farmers.

From the definition of nutrients and antinutritional factors of raw materials (NOA – NutriOpt), to unique formulation technology (Kinetio, AminoOpt), to field expertise with the local support of our teams, without forgetting the evaluation of the environmental impact of our nutritional strategies (MyFeedPrint).

About Tijl

After higher agricultural studies, Tijl has worked for 20 years in the pig production sector and in various local and international technical and commercial positions. Since 2020 within Trouw Nutrition, he is the Technical Sales Manager Young Animal Feed Swine in the Europe & Central asia (ECA) region.



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