Influencing cow milk production

​The productivity of modern dairy cows has increased considerably in recent years.

Trouw Nutrition satisfies the challenging nutritional requirements of these animals by translating the latest available research to practical applications. We aim to support dairy farming in a sustainable and profitable way.

How to recognise

Insufficient nutritional programmes not based on the latest knowledge can compromise animal health, welfare and performance, resulting in:

  • High culling rates
  • Low production
  • Low feed efficiency
  • High financial pressure
  • Time consuming and low quality of farm life

The impact on the farmer

Efficiently managed programmes and a well balanced diet to support the cow’s physiological changes will improve functional longevity and increase their lifetime daily yield. This will translate to a cow’s sustainable lifetime performance and a financially healthy dairy farm.

Our offering for influencing cow milk production performance



NutriOpt Dairy model, a balanced diet for healthy cows, defines your feeding strategy based on processes taking place along the entire gastrointestinal tract. This dynamic model provides a unique combination of nutritional and ruminant specific parameters to ensure optimal rumen function.

More details



The HealthyLife programme focuses on the transition to lactation. It is a practical, science-based programme that helps farmers increase a cows’ number of lactations by improving fertility, increasing milk yield per lactation and reducing involuntary culling, all leading to an increased number of lactations.

Go to our HealthyLife platform



NutriOpt Dairy Brochure
HealthyLife brochure

Contact Us

Our Ruminant team consists of:

Mark Hall - Technical Manager Ruminants

Alicia Wilson - Technical Sales Manager Feed Additives

Isabelle England - Technical Account Manager

Nacia Bonnick - Technical Advisor

Contact Us