Feed More Energy

Feeding calves more milk to support higher growth rates is an important first step. However, feeding a specifically formulated calf milk replacer to ensure that the calf receives a balanced nutrient supply that provides optimal development whilst supporting the health of the calf takes rearing to the next level.

Avoiding the risk of exceeding nutrient tolerance is essential in early life.

The graph shows at what levels calves reach their nutrient tolerance for lactose with typical calf milk replacers (green line)close to the threshold. Feeding calves an elevated level of lactose, particularly in early life, can damage gut integrity, increase the risk of abomasal bloat (due to slower gastric emptying) and exacerbate diarrhoea severity in calves.

For these reasons Energized Calf Milk has been developed with a higher energy level and lower lactose and osmolality level to reduce the risk of nutritional challenges in early life. Energized Calf Milk was inspired using whole milk as the biological nutritional reference and aims to provide compositional consistency and superior energy density to every calf.

For confidence your milk replacer is safe to feed at unrestricted levels look for the Lifestart logo

For maximum growth, development and health potential choose an Energized Calf Milk
  • 25% Quality, Digestible Fat
  • 22.5% Protein
  • 50% Skim

Milkivit Energized Calf Milk

Milkivit CMR range

Download our guide to unlocking genetic potential

LifeStart_Unlocking Genetic Potential Guide 2025
pdf (4MB)
Milkivit Energizer ECM Brochure
Milkivit CMR Range Brochure

How to unlock genetic potential

Unlocking Genetic Potential
Feed More Milk
Colostrum Management
Mineral Optimisation

Blogs and Stories

Feeding calves at unrestricted levels

Early life nutrition
Getting calves off to the best possible start and optimising pre-weaning growth are the foundations of lifelong health and performance, reduced age at first calving, lower total rearing costs and lower total farm emissions.

Rehydration The Unsung Hero Of Calf Rearing

Early life nutrition
Calf dehydration, mainly as a result of diarrhoea, is a major drain on dairy farm performance and is the biggest single cause of calf losses, according to Dr Laura Tennant, Young Animal Feed Technical Advisor with Trouw Nutrition GB. Read about the experiences of Hugh and Mary Ankers at Golborne Bridge Farm.

BSAS 2024: Advances in youngstock science

Early life nutrition
Trouw Nutrition are excited to once-again be chairing the youngstock session at this year's BSAS conference. Following on from last autumn’s Trouw Nutrition Lifestart Calf Symposium, the youngstock session at the annual BSAS conference has been curated to showcase the latest advances in youngstock science. 

Contact Us

Our Youngstock team consists of:

Georgina Thomas - Young Animal Feed Manager

Dr. Laura Tennant - Young Animal Feed Technical Advisor

Contact Us