Ellie Newman Speaker Biography

Sustainability Consultant Promar

Ellie Newman joined Promar in June 2022. Prior to that she was a Sustainability Coordinator, providing carbon footprints and roadmaps to Net Zero for a wide range of businesses. She also has experience with biodiversity net gain and the option of biodiversity offsetting for landowners.

During her time at University, Ellie developed a passion for sustainable farming, in particular water quality and catchment management. This lead her to research and write her final year dissertation on this topic.

As a Sustainability Analyst at Promar she work on multiple projects within the food and farming industry to improve sustainable practices, reduce pollution and increase biodiversity. Having grown up on a beef and arable farm in Wiltshire Ellie is passionate about supporting the farming community and providing sustainable solutions throughout the supply chain.

Speaker Biographies

Dr. Liz Homer
Brian Lindsay
Cerys Jenkins-Lowe
Ellie Newman
Farm stories
Claire Whittle
Isabelle England
Nacia Bonnick


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Dr. Liz Homer
If you would like to connect with us on the subject of sustainability or are interested in collaborating please get in touch Alternatively please reach out to your usual Trouw Nutrition representative.