Isabelle England Speaker Biography


Ruminant Technical Support Specialist, Trouw Nutrition GB

Nacia Bonnick obtained her BSc (Hons) in Agricultural and Livestock Science from The University of Nottingham. During her tenure at the university, she completed a placement year at an Arable farm affiliated with a grain technology business, where she managed grain stocks utilising NIR machines. Post-graduation, Nacia joined the University of Nottingham's Dairy Centre, enriching her practical skills in the dairy sector. Her career later led her to Trouw Nutrition, where she worked as a Formulator, focusing on milk replacers due to her keen interest in young animal nutrition.

Currently, Nacia serves as a Technical Advisor, handling various inquiries within the ruminant team. Her responsibilities span from providing legal guidance on mineral and premix levels to formulating rations and offering forage support. Additionally, she has recently taken on the role of overseeing the digital portfolio, which involves integrating lab, commercial, and technical expertise to assist customers in measuring and monitoring both raw materials and finished feeds. This integration aims to enhance financial outcomes and meet sustainability objectives.

Speaker Biographies

Dr. Liz Homer
Brian Lindsay
Cerys Jenkins-Lowe
Ellie Newman
Farm stories
Claire Whittle
Isabelle England
Nacia Bonnick


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If you would like to connect with us on the subject of sustainability or are interested in collaborating please get in touch Alternatively please reach out to your usual Trouw Nutrition representative.